Friday, November 6, 2009

Lack of Brain Function

Today wasn't exactly exciting. I subbed for a resource teacher, which basically means I fluttered around the school and never dealt with the same kids for very long. The day started with 3rd and 5th graders for reading, which is odd because they are doing the same thing. Then it was on to 5th grade math while simultaneously reading a grammar test for a 2nd grader. After lunch, I helped with a 1st grade math test, taught kindergarten math, had a junior high study hall where I was told off by a grouchy 8th grader, and gave state and capital tests to a group of 7th graders. All in all, the day wasn't bad, but I ended up with a huge headache and was thrilled to go get Joie after school.

Speaking of Joie, she is very excited about going to help with Carder's room tomorrow. She is, however, still convinced that he is really coming to live with us and has repeatedly asked me when her daddy is going to put up the crib for baby Carder. Listening to her make plans for Carder is quite entertaining. On the ride home, she told me that she was going to rock him in her rocking chair and make him take a nap. She then gave me an example of the snoring noises he would make which sounded oddly like a small pig.

She seems to be feeling better today, but has quite the runny nose. Last night we had to get out the nebulizer and give her a treatment, which she hated and cried through. Lucky daddy was still at his meeting, so mommy had to do it by herself. Tonight she told me she didn't need a treatment because she was just having trouble breathing. Apparently to her, if she isn't coughing, I should be content. I do sleep a little easier though.

Tomorrow, we're going to Carbondale with Mimi to see Uncle Chet and Aunt B and help finish up Carder's room. Uncle Chet, I hear, is very excited that daddy is bringing power tools along. They are in charge of putting up the crib and installing some shelves. Joie is in charge of painting Aunt B's toenails again and making sure they watch lots of movies. I'm not sure what Mimi and I are doing, but somehow I'm sure it will end up involving laundry...

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