Thursday, November 19, 2009

Family Read Night or He Scared the @#$% Out of Her

Tonight we went to Family Read Night at the library. Joie has been looking forward to it all week because they were doing an Alice in Wonderland theme. When we got there we decided to go to the "Nitro Joe" science show. He was very good, explaining to the kids that what he did might look like magic but it was all science. His first experiment was all about chemical reactions when things were burned like paper and flash (the stuff a magician uses for the poof). Then he pulled out some dry ice and made a quarter sing by sticking its edge in the ice. The last experiment also involved the ice. After showing the kids what happened when dry ice was put in water, he put it in a beaker with baby shampoo. The result? Bubbles full of carbon dioxide gas. He collected some of the bubbles in his hand, walked to Jo, and, with a "Bam!" plopped them on her head. This caused Jo to scream, jump, and pee down my leg. In case you aren't an experienced mom, I'll tell you. Almost all moms carry extra clothes for their children. They do not, however, carry extra pants for themselves. So, I changed Jo and we went back in, damp leg and all. Fortunately it wasn't too bad.

During the course of the night, we also talked to Alice and the white rabbit, watched a magic show, played croquet with hedgehogs and flamingos, made "zelsinscorn" (pretzels, raisins and popcorn), and made Humpty Dumpty. Aside from the minor accident, we had a good night.

Wednesday we went to Carbondale to see baby Carder. While he is still being treated for jaundice, he is doing much better and is growing fast. This was Jo's first time to actually hold and play with him, so she had a good time. She has always talked about feeding him and helping change his diapers. While we were there, she did just that. We thought we would give Aunt B a break and sent her to take a shower while we fed and changed him. She definitely loves him.


  1. Sorry,I couldn't help but laugh at the peeing on your leg. You are so right. I never think to bring clothes for me, even though it isn't that unusual to be peed or puked on--by my baby. I would have done the same as Jo. The rabbit scared Charlotte at first, too.

  2. Oops. That previous comment was mine. Didn't realize my husband was signed in....
