Thursday, November 5, 2009

Creativity Is Not My Strong Point

So, today I'm not working so Joie and I decided it would be a great day to be creative. Since we've already made cookies this week, we decided we would try the crafty avenue instead of mom's preferred epicurean path. Our brilliant plan for the day was to make fall tree cards to send to a few relatives. Mommy made a stencil out of construction paper and we used cosmetic sponges and finger paints. This was definitely a spur of the moment adventure. She ended up painting five trees and her forehead before we were finished. I have to admit they don't look too bad, but I don't think she's going to be the next Monet either. What can I say? She takes after her mother.

Tonight Ryan has a meeting, so Joie and I have a date to see Charlotte's Web at the high school. It will be her first play, and she is completely excited about it. She's been to a few puppet shows and things of that sort, but nothing quite to this extreme. 

Until then, we're just going to finish our trees and maybe go outside. Later!

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally with you on the creativity thing. I am not all that crafty, though I enjoy them sometimes. Still, crafts are not the first thing I think to do with the kids. (I too would prefer baking. Luckily, my kids don't mind!) I love your idea of using sponges to make the trees. I will have to try something like that. Charlotte loves painting!
