Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Triumphant Return... or... Why I Haven't Blogged in a Month and a Half

So it has gotten to the point that even my husband is asking if I gave up blogging. No, that wasn't my New Year's resolution. That happens to be to take down the Christmas tree sometime before Easter. Instead, I have no excuse but to say Christmas did it. Between trying to find presents, biting my nails over getting them here on time, and trying to make it to all of our celebrations, blogging just hadn't made the schedule. Since I am vegging on the couch listening to Joie play dinosaurs (Do you know what a deinonychusis? My three year old does...), Here is a recap of all the loveliness happening with us since we left off.

---Just before Christmas, my Nana started having heart problems. She ended up having surgery and finally got home from the hospital on Christmas Day. Because of her surgery and recovery, our Christmas schedule was rearranged and actually made for a much more relaxing and enjoyable holiday. Granted, we still celebrated eight times, but it was spread over four days and we never had more than three in one day. I could get used to that!

---For Christmas, Joie had requested a bigger doll house, a Lennie (from WonderPets), and a tutu. She received all three things, but not until the day after Christmas, which meant that all Christmas day I had to keep reminding her that Santa visited other houses like Grammy and Mimi's houses too.

---As a family present from my parents, we got a Wii and Wii Fit. Ryan is good at bowling and tennis, but I almost always beat him at golf. I don't really know why, since I usually just hit the ball randomly, but I tend to win. Joie likes bowling and playing soccer on the Wii Fit.

---Speaking of the Wii, it was the featured attraction of our New Year's celebration. On New Year's Eve, Grammy and PopPop came over to play. Ryan has video of Grammy hula hooping. Seriously. Ask him. He'll send it to you. We also took the Wii Fit with us to Mamaw and Papaw's house for their after New Year's party. Mamaw hula hooping? Priceless.

---Over the course of the past month, I've sent out some resumes and been rewarded with one interview. Hopefully I'll hear more in the near future, but just in case, I also tested for a census job. If I come knocking on your door, please be gentle...

Now as I sit here listening to Joie's new request to bake cookies, I think maybe we should leave the tree up a little longer. Tonight its supposed to start snowing, so we could use some holiday cheer :)

1 comment:

  1. Is your Nana ok? Sounds like you guys had a nice Christmas. I'm glad!
