Thursday, January 21, 2010

847 down, 49153 to go

I finished Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult today, and I have to admit I am once again perplexed by where she chooses to end the story. The story itself is about a man who was on death row for murdering a cop and his stepdaughter. While he is on death row, he finds out that the wife and mother of the deceased has another daughter who needs a heart transplant. His heart is, of course, a perfect fit. Picoult tends to add supernatural events to her stories, but many are without reason or explanation. Sure, I get all the Christ references, but some, like during his execution trial, seemed pointless. The more I read Picoult, the more predictable I feel her stories become. Even the death row inmate's "big revelation" was expected long before it happened.

Anyway, moving on. Next up is The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean. It is the first novel by this author, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. It is about an elderly Russian woman who worked at the Hermitage (an art museum in Leningrad) during the German invasion on 1941. Now as she is losing her memory, she has flashbacks to the war in Russia. I'll let you know what I think!

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