Monday, February 1, 2010

Spin Cycle: Pet Peeves

So this is my first week on the Spin Cycle, and the topic is Pet Peeves. I'm not sure there is enough space in this blog for all of my pet peeves, so I think we'll go with a top three and leave it at that.

1. As an English teacher, my main pet peeve has to be bad grammar and spelling. I'm not sure if it is the fault of modern technology or just plain laziness, but it seems so ridiculously common to not care about proofreading. Honestly, how much longer does it take to write "people" instead of "ppl"? For those of you I may occasionally text or email, I apologize if I seem a bit overly proper or wordy, but I believe in actually using language.

2. Silly as it seems, I am also annoyed by people who don't smile. Some people seem to go through life on autopilot. You know the type: head down, always in a rush, always with a frown. I happen to have a fairly adorable daughter who loves to make people smile. When she meets one of these automatons, she behaves in her usual precious manner. She is, however, very upset when she doesn't get a reaction from those people. All she really wants is to make you smile, so do me a favor and at least crack a grin!

3. My final pet peeve is constant cell phone usage. From the person in front of me in line at the store who won't hang up and acts like the cashier is being rude by doing her job to the couple at the next table on my night out who talk loudly, not to each other, but into their phones, the excessive use of cell phones runs rampant. I don't understand when other people became so important and why their meaningless drivel can't wait until after shopping, dinner or driving their kids home from school, but I really wish they didn't have to disrupt my day with it.

I could go on and mention a lot of other things that get under my skin, but I'll leave it at that.


  1. Holy cow, I think we are the same person. I have the same pet peeves, totally. With the grammar, I especially hate it when people just refuse to use punctuation. It makes it so confusing to read their writing. Drives me nuts. The cell phone thing bugs me too. It is so funny what you say about cranky people. I have said this to my husband before: "How can they not smile at my cute kids who are saying funny things and smiling at them? What is wrong with these people?" I hope I never get so cranky and busy that I can't notice the cuties and smile at them.

    Good to see you on the spin cycle. I need to work on my post. It's hard to narrow it down on this topic, sadly.

  2. Cell phones in restaurants drive me crazy. If you need to have a conversation that badly with someone who is NOT at your table, kindly excuse yourself so your friends and the other diners don't have to hear it too.
    Welcome to the Spin Cycle! You're linked!

  3. I think all three of your peeves is the reason why I gave my cell phone up. The only times I miss it now are when I need to look up a number or I am on a road trip and worried I might get stranded in the snow somewhere with my kids.
    Welcome to the Spin!
