Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wild March or Why Mommy Looks Like She Was Beaten

March has virtually crawled by at the Mitchell house, especially for me. I have spent most of the month injured and attempting to heal. Some people have been asking about my progress and wanting to know what happened, so here's the story.

On March 3rd, I went to the hospital my mom works at to job shadow. I've been thinking about going back to school and have been considering nursing, so Mom volunteered to set up a day for me to follow a nurse on med/surg and then visit ER. When I got there, I met the nurse I was going to follow and went with him to a couple of patients' rooms. In the second room, I suddenly became dizzy. I remember thinking I was getting dizzy and thinking I should ask if I could sit down, and I remember looking to my right and seeing a chair. I apparently fainted, because the next thing I remember, I was laying on the floor bleeding, and my mom was asking if I was okay. She had thought there was a drill going on when the nurse yelled for help, so she was the first to respond. She didn't know it was me until she got in the room. They were concerned since I had hit my head, so the EMTs brought in a collar and backboard to transport me to the ER. Needless to say, this was not how I had planned to see the emergency room. I spent most of the day in ER and had a CT scan. They finally let my mom take me home, but since I was really bruised up and one eye was swollen shut, I didn't do much but rest on the couch. I also had a huge knot on my forehead where I had hit (concrete floors really hurt!), but they told me that was good and a sign that I shouldn't have any internal damage or swelling.

Lovely, huh? So I spent the next week at home waiting for the swelling to go down and my head to stop hurting. After a week and a half, my eye was better and some of the swelling on my head had gone down, but I still had a huge knot on my forehead. My mom had the doctor she works with look at it, and he advised that it be drained to avoid infection since the blood had begun clotting and could cause a lot of problems.

Still pretty, right? On Monday, the 14th, I went back to the same hospital I fainted at and had surgery to drain the knot. Everyone at the hospital was great, and even though I was very paranoid about being sedated for the procedure, I came out unscathed. I don't remember much. I know I didn't finish watching "The Price Is Right" before the drugs started kicking in. I vaguely remember them taking me to the operating room, and I think someone told me when they were done, but I may be making that up. Now I have no knot on my forehead, but they did put a drain in right below my eyebrow to allow any fluid that is left to drain out. It looks a little weird, but I don't have a picture of it yet. Maybe later.

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